Saturday, November 18, 2006

Tom and Billy. Sunset over Timor Sea

Billy Baby and his Dad on our evening walk

Dad at the helm of scuppers

my dad showing he has not lost the touch for the tiller
Our three sons. Rhidian at his art graduation exhibition with brothers Clancy (in blue) and Billy.

Rhidian finishes school and Clancy starts

The last cool evenings of the dryseason have gone and the deadly jellyfish have returned so swimming in the sea is no longer such a good idea.
This blog is intended to replace the sporadic mailouts of happy snaps and scraps of news.
The ebb on flow of life in the tropical north of australia with occasional highlights and adventures will follow.
The eldest at home finishes school next week and is stepping out into the world and the swimmer in the photo starts school next year.
I'll post some snaps of these events along with the journal of sailing on scuppers.